Daily Archives: March 7, 2009

Shut up. Shut up. SHUT UP!

Hey! blæ.. what a day. Not exhausting, but mind disurbing. I am such a fool who call everybody bitches, backstabers, idiots and so on, when I am all that. I have to learn to S-H-U-T the f*cking U-P!!!!!!! One of the things that I hate about myself, is that I am such a blaber-mouth! Who am I to talk dirty sh*t about everyone else?! But I promise you, I WILL think before I speak from now on, before I ruin my life even more by living in regret!
And then again, I should also learn how to not care about what everybody thinks.

I wore this little dress from Forever21, with white pumps, at a little gathering.

I wore this little dress from Forever21, with white pumps, at a little gathering.

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